Migration Notes

Consult these notes when migrating to new versions of the template.

From 3.0.0 to 3.1.0

Log in into the Parse Dashboard (/dashboard) and click “Jobs” in the side menu.

You should see a job named “migrateItemCategories”.

Click the “Run now” button to start the migration. You can see the progress in the “Job Status” section.

This job will iterate all items and will add the fields to store the categories and subcategories based on the original category and subcategory fields.

Now, go to the Browser tab and click “Create class”. Choose “Custom” type, enter “OrderLog” in the name field and click on “create class”. Repeat the same process to add the “Coupon” class.

From 2.x.x to 3.0.0


The environment variables are now defined in the ecosystem.config.js (PM2 config file) instead of the Dockerfile. You should define the environment variables for the server (API) and worker (background service). The worker is responsible for expiring the abandoned carts.


Log in into the Parse Dashboard (/dashboard) and click “Jobs” in the side menu. You should see a job named “setTypeFieldToUsers”.

Click the “Run now” button to start the migration. You can see the progress in the “Job Status” section.

The “setTypeFieldToUsers” job will iterate all users and add the “type” field. Now there’re three different types: super_admin, admin y client.

The job is defined in ./cloud/user.js.