Local Installation

Setup API

  1. Install and run MongoDB.

  2. Install Node 14 (v.14.19.0).

  3. Open your command line, navigate to the ionshop-x.x.x/api folder and run npm install

  4. Rename the .env.sample to .env and update the PARSE_DASHBOARD_PASS using an encrypted password. This password and PARSE_DASHBOARD_USER are for logging in to the Parse Dashboard, a web tool for managing Parse Server apps.

  5. Run the server with node server.js

  6. In your web browser, go to http://localhost:1337 and fill out the form to create the Super Admin.

If everything goes well, you’ll see the Parse Dashboard login page. Here, you should enter the values of PARSE_DASHBOARD_USER and PARSE_DASHBOARD_PASS defined in the .env file.

The Super Admin credentials are for logging in to the Admin Portal, which we will install in the steps below.

Setup Admin Portal

  1. In the same command line, navigate to the ionshop-x.x.x/admin folder and run npm install

  2. Run npm run start or ng serve

  3. In your web browser, navigate to http://localhost:4200. and create the Super Admin user to access the dashboard.